Moleskine Sakura Limited Editions by Yuri Himuro

The "Sakura Limited Editions by Yuri Himuro" notebook, a collaboration with Moleskine, has been released.
The theme of the collection is cherry blossoms, and the motif is the view of cherry blossoms in the park where I always walk with my dog. The collector's box and set of notebooks are covered with SNIP SNAP textile that can be cut with scissors. When cut, the fabric looks like a cherry blossom tree, and when cut out, the silhouette of a cherry blossom appears inside. .I tried to express the beauty of the falling cherry blossoms (beauty of saying goodbye) and the changing nature of notebooks as they are used.
Moleskineとコラボレーションした限定版ノートブック「Sakura Limited Editions by Yuri Himuro」が発表されました。
桜をテーマにしたコレクションで、氷室がいつも犬と散歩している公園の桜の景色がモチーフになっています。コレクターズボックスとセットのノートはハサミでカットできるSNIP SNAPのテキスタイルをノートに張り込んでいます。カットすると糸のテクスチャーが桜の木のようになり、切り取ると中から桜のシルエットが現れます。散りゆく桜と使い込まれていくノートが持つ、変化を伴う美しさを重ねています。

Moleskine Sakura Limited Editions by Yuri Himuro
Textile Artist/Design: Yuri Himuro
Creative Director: Masanori Muramoto
Creative Producer: Naoya Watanabe
Production Manager: Midori Nakamatsu
Special Thanks: Richard Hhu, Josua Lim
Creative Production: Cekai Inc.
Fabric Supplier: Daiki
Client: Moleskine

Stop motion animation director: Shogo Nakamura
Music: Akiko Shiina
Producer: Naoya Watanabe
Production: Cekai Inc.